P: 0490 022 973 | F: (03) 8080 5928
Address (By appointment only):
Suite 410, 370 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne, VIC 3004
Mailing Address:
PO Box 954, South Melbourne, VIC 3205

What will the fees be?
The cost of a standard session is $165.
Clients with a Mental Health Care Plan can receive a rebate from Medicare (which is currently set at $92.90) and thus pay a gap of $72.10 once the rebate is claimed. This is outlined in the table below.

For general information regarding psychologists' fees, please see the APS (Australian Psychological Society): https://www.psychology.org.au/for-the-public/about-psychology/what-it-costs
Do I need a referral?
If you wish to claim the Medicare rebate then you will need a Mental Health Care Plan from your GP. If you don't plan on using Medicare, then you do not need one. You can find more information here: MEDICARE
When do I pay for my sessions?
Payment is required on the day of your consultation.
Which payment methods are accepted?
The following payment methods are accepted:
Debit or Credit cards (Visa, MasterCard)
Bank transfer
Apple Pay / Google Pay

How do I claim the Medicare rebate or my Private Health Insurance benefits?
For your convenience, on the spot claiming is available with HICAPS which is an electronic health claims and payments system that allows for easy and immediate claiming of Medicare rebates and private health insurance benefits.
This means that you can instantly receive the rebate straight into your bank account during your appointment. To use HICAPS, you will need to bring your Medicare card (if claiming Medicare) or your Health Insurance membership card (if claiming private health insurance) to each appointment.
* Please note: The rebate can only be reimbursed or paid into a debit card - not credit card. However, your session fee can be paid using any of the payment methods listed above.